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100 things

feelings and stuff
02/15/05 ~ 4:05 p.m.

so, i guess i'll do an actual update. with like, feelings and stuff.

see, i'm the kind of girl who attaches meaning to stupid things, and builds up her expectations too much, so that i always get let down. i know i shouldn't do this, but, ya know. i can't change overnight.

so. even though i KNEW we weren't making that big of a deal of valentine's day, and i know how much we love each other EVERY day, and also, david was super duper over the top romantic just last thursday, i had hoped he'd sweep me off my feet yet again last night.

i cooked a yummy steak (i ended up using cooking directions given to me by a bank teller, because it only involved the oven and i'm terrible at using the stovetop), plus mashed potatoes and asparagus. and i got sparkling grape juice, since we don't like wine. we had a naked dinner, and there was also some lovin' had afterward. then he took me out to get ice cream. so in actuality, it was a lovely evening. but for some reason, i'd hoped he'd either take me out somewhere super romantic, or get me something awesome as a gift. he brought me a "valetine's tree" which was just a red heart tree thing made of shiny stuff. i know, it's cute. i'm just a retard.

so, he felt bad because i was dissapointed, and proclaimed his hatred for holidays once again. sigh. i certainly can ruin things, can't i? of course, we made it ok and fell asleep cuddled in each other's arms.

we just have to accept each other's differences and not let them get in the way. i LOVE holidays; he hates them. i like to plan my time out, he likes to be spontaneous. just those two differences alone can drive us nuts when trying to deal with the other person. but we compromise and we hear each other out, because that's what you do when you love someone.

and we are the best.

baby pictures
02/15/05 ~ 1:39 p.m.

i know a few of you are absolutely gaga about babies, others of you are not the biggest fan, and the rest of you are probably in between. me, i think they can be cute when they're not screaming or shitting. i'm still on the fence about whether i will ever have any of my own (leaning towards no), so i'll just enjoy other people's for now, since i can just visit and give them back.

with that said, here are the picture of my friend amber's new baby.

meet dorian ayala, at approximately 48 hours old...

this is their official picture they emailed to me

this is the one i took while visiting on saturday.

he was 7 lbs, 5 oz and has a full head of super dark hair and dark skin due to his hispanic blood from his dad. i have to admit, he is pretty cute. :)

annoyance of the day
02/15/05 ~ 10:36 a.m.

i took a picture of a particiualrly annoying store's sign in downtown san francisco:


my biggest pet peeve: 'your' VS. 'you're'.

in fact, in 7th grade, i actually was so bothered by someone signing my yearbook "your a good friend" that i CHANGED it.

hopefully some of you out there feel my pain!


2003: 14th: david got me flowers!!! YAAAAAY. carnations and daisies and they are oh-so-pretty. 15th: so i'm pmsing and trying to ween off of happy drugs. i still hate that i can be so upset and not know why, and then burst into tears in the workout room.

2002: 14th: i almost sent adam a friendly v-day ecard this afternoon, but then my modem crashed and i took it as a sign not to do that. saved from embarrasment! yay! 15th: if i make kissing noises, jasmine "kisses" (noses) my lips.

2001: 14th: the past 19 valentine's days, i've had no valentine. no kiss on valentine's day. only some assorted candy from my mom or close friends.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
