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v-day collage
02/14/03 ~ 11:03 a.m.

it's a collage because i've got a whole bunch of stuff you guys today. links galore, i tell ya. plus cute tales of love. ok. let's go.

Its time you told me the truth. (aka, take the little survey, dammit)

david got me flowers!!! YAAAAAY. carnations and daisies and they are oh-so-pretty. wish i had a digicam to capture them for you this morning. i also got some boones. i wonder if someone wants me intoxicated tonight?

i don't even read her diary normally, unless something catches my eye on 12% beer, but ohmygod. read this entry, and then either puke or swoon, whichever mindset you may be in.

1. Explain why you started to journal/blog.
jeffy did it, and i wanted to be cool like him. well, AND i wanted to document the crazy drama i was living in at the time, but that kinda blew up in my face.

2. Do people you interact with day to day or family members know about your journal/blog? Why or why not?
yes and no. most friends know. "samantha" does not. my family does not. and i don't go around advertising it, so i'd guess krystal, tiff, adam, and lauren don't know about it either. it might be embarrasing for adam to see it, but oh well if he does. basically, it used to be a semi-secret, but that caused a lot of pain. it's much better now.

3. Do you have a theme for your journal/blog?
um.... ramble on about nothing and hope people read!!

4. What direction would you like to have your journal/blog go in over the next year?
the way that gets me more readers. hee. i'm such an internet whore.

5. Pimp five of your favorite journals/blogs.
oh god. have you guys SEEN my profile? i have like 50 people on there i actaully read. ok, my top 5: 1. sammi 2. jenn 3. bobbi jo 4. lisse 5. lisa 6. michelle 7. krista 8. sue 9. oh wait... only 5? shit. well, these are the ones that make me smile when i see they've updated.

stolen from sammi

A- Appetizer of Choice: chicken satay with peanut sauce.

B- Best Friend: well, i have tons of "best" friends, but there's always the closest, bestest one: david

C- Choice of Meat: chicken. it can be made SO many ways!

D- Dream Date: in a hot air balloon with david.

E- Exciting Adventure: going to france and amsterdam, kinda by myself.

F- Favorite Food: all asian varities

G- Greatest Accomplishment: in a year, i'll be able to say "losing 85 pounds." but for now, it's only 28.

H- Happiest Day of your life: july 17, 2002.

I- Interesting Fact: my ring fingers are double jointed

J- Joke: my famous voodoo penis joke. i'll tell it sometime on here.

K- Kool-Aid: yummy cheap stuff

L- Lover: my david

M- Marriage: according to david, in about 10 years. i say more like 4.

N- Name: holly janelle

O- Obsession: stars

P- Pizza toppings: pinapples

Q- Question Asked to you the most: what's your major?

R- Radio Station: 106.5 (alternative)

S- Sex: yes please.

T- Television Show: friends and dawson's creek

U- Underwear: i have all sorts of fun prints.

V- Video: currently, i'm all about the exercise videos.

W- Winter: too COLD.

X- X-ray: gotten a few, yes.

Y- Year born: 1980

Z- Zodiac sign: sagittarius

ok, that's probably enough junk for today. have a love-filled day!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
