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100 things

02/14/01 ~ 11:07 am

sigh. valentine's day.

the past 19 valentine's days, i've had no valentine. no kiss on valentine's day. only some assorted candy from my mom or close friends. much appreciated, by the way (salina sent me a card! shout out...)

this valentine's day, i actually went in search of something for that special someone. i didn't want to go too mushy, as we're not a couple. but i wanted to show i care. i got a card that said: outside- "know why this card is so happy?" inside: "because you're holding it. (my turn next!)" and then i made some scandalous "Cheesy Valentine's Coupons" that i included.

but the best part about this valentine's day is the fact that there is something in the mail for me, from this special someone. he told me because he was planning on mailing it express mail and didn't, so it will be a day late. he didn't want me to be sad that i didn't get anything. and he said that the card was perfect for me. i am so excited.

but he's not here. still don't get that kiss. it's only a half-happy valentine's day. i'm going to spend it watching dawson's creek with my friend brooke.

fun stuff.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
