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100 things

skip, hop, and a ... fall
02/16/01 ~ 9:17 am

i fell on my face in the parking lot yesterday. what was i doing? walking.

i twisted my ankle and my elbow. they hurt like bitches. plus it's my left foot (cluch foot) and right elbow (shifting arm). i never knew driving was so painful.

i walked around the office limping all day, and the first two hours i had a towel/ice contraption strapped to my arm with a telephone cord. sweet.

so then i didn't go to swim practice seeing as how the one legged, one armed gimp probably couldn't push off of the wall. i was bummed, i've been upholding my 3 times a week resolution since new years and i was damn proud. (i don't think my waistline is reflecting the results, however).

as for other news, i am on my office's party committee, and we got our plan approved yesterday. we are taking everyone in the office and their spouses rafting on the south fork of the american river (like actual rapids and stuff!) it's going to be so much fun. we get to announce it at the staff meeting on tuesday. i'm so excited, i think i might burst.

that's all with me. friends was funny last night. i love that show.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
