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100 things

fires, police chases, and costumes (oh my!)
10/15/04 ~ 5:28 p.m.

1. plans changed AGAIN. my brother's football game got cancelled because they're in the middle of two huge fires and the air is all bad and shit. so instead, david and i are having "date night" tonight. woo!

2. on my way home, i totally saw a real live police chase! there were two cop cars chasing a guy down the freeway in the carppool lane, then he crazily cut across the whole freeway to try to ditch them, but they both made it to the exit without catastrophic problems. i so totally wanted to follow them from there and see them catch the guy, but alas, i am not that ballsy and i like being alive.

3. on the street near my house, 3 girls were wearing their halloween costumes and holding a sign that said, "honk if you think we're cute." i so totally honked.

4. is it sad that when each of the above 3 things occured, i immediately thought, "i've got to write that in my diary!"? yeah, i thought so.

weekend plans
10/15/04 ~ 1:57 p.m.

my weekend plans are finally figured out. of course, it took until 2 pm on friday, but oh well.

tonight: my brother's football game. david and i are leaving the second we're off work, and we'll still probably miss part of the first quarter because of the distance we have to travel and the crazy traffic we will hit. but it will be worth it to support my little bro, joe.

tomorrow morning: wake up at my mom's house. go to best buy with my other bro, chad, because he works there and therefore can hook us up. david wants a new tv. cross your fingers he finds a good one, kay? i want a good digital camera, instead of my crazy taped up one (see here), but i can't afford it right now. but i will figure out how much his discount will save me on the one i want.

tomorrow afternoon: drive home, go to gym, do some dishes. yawn.

tomorrow night: a "date" with david. dinner at red lobster and maybe a movie. (no party in san francisco, we've decided to bail.)

sunday: jenn* comes to visit, we hang out and have fun, then we drive out to san francisco for a book reading by jennifer weiner (author of the books good in bed and in her shoes). get home really late. bleh.

wooooooo. sounds fun.

one year ago: look at that, i haven't been updating again. i am just so worn out.
two years ago: david went to a meeting for the top students in computer science where they talked to him about grad school. he seemed interested. [sidenote: totally didn't happen.]
three years ago: so there was this program. and it was kicking our asses up one side of telnet and down the other side of UNIX.
four years ago: directions: count one point for every "no" answer. the total points at the end is your purity percent.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
