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a catch-up on me
10/15/03 ~ 10:54 a.m.

look at that, i haven't been updating again. i am just so worn out. i feel very sluggish all day, every day. but i'll backpedal and fill you in.

sunday night, we saw kill bill, volume 1. justin a.* has asked for a little review, so here goes: i liked it. didn't LOVE it, but enjoyed it. it's very gory, but sometimes in a really cheesy way (i.e. arms chopped off and bloodsquirting everywhere). it's got that weird tarentino feel, that's for sure. and he messed with the timeline, of course. nothing goes in order. but one thing's for sure: it leaves you wanting to see volume 2. so many questions unanswered.

monday, i felt like shit. my stomach hurt and i really didn't want to be at work. but i was anyways, of course. so i worked till 4:30, went home, and din't work out cuz i felt yucky. we swung by blockbuster so david could rent some free movies on my account, since he's bored at home all day. then we went to cooking class, where my stomach recovered enough to eat a feast. not wonderful for the waistline, but there was some really yummy stuff.

yesterday i felt yucky again, possibly from too much food the night before. but i worked. i chatted with my mom and set up a time for her to visit (she hasn't even been to santa rosa to see me yet. last time we set up a time, she cancelled cuz she couldn't afford the trip.) at lunchtime, david sent me a message that HE GOT A JOB! well, a one-month temp job. but it will help, that's for sure. at 4:30 i went home, argued with david about my mom's visit (he thinks she'll flake again), made up, did a quick workout, and headed off to our first low-fat cooking class.

we have a teacher who looks to be a total hippie, and a complete bitch. she's very rude. so that got us off on the wrong foot. david and i decided to work in seperate groups, to get to know more people, and somehow david ended up in a group with 3 bitchy, snobby girls who berated him and only let him do dishes. he was getting so mad, he was ready to drop the class. luckily, i saved the day by getting him switched into my kitchen because we were a person short. the other people in my kitchen are laid back and didn't even care that we forgot the flour in our cookies. a much better atmosphere. now he still doesn't like the teacher, but is willing to go back next week. as for learning, we didn't do much of that. we followed 4 recipes. no real tips or cool facts. the food was very yummy (i have some leftovers for lunch!) and i only went overboard on a few cookies. other than that, i had a healthy dinner. yay me.

today, i'm back at work. when 4:30 rolls around, i will drop by the library to get some books. i have the office to myself for 3 days and there is bound to be some downtime. then i will go home and do a workout and shower before our house gets flooded with people. tonight, poker night is at our place. a person from our chinese cooking class is coming too. david made a new friend! i feel bad because it's at our place mostly because of me, because i wanted to be included. but tonight, honestly... i'd rather go to bed early. so it goes. i think i'll play for a bit, and excuse myself for bed before they are done. that's the plan anyways.

so there. that's a nice long entry that you probably didn't want to read. but if you did, you are all caught up in the life of holly. may you be a better person for it,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
