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100 things

a cheer up call
10/12/03 ~ 6:58 p.m.

i just spent 2 hours talking on the phone to justin a.* TWO HOURS! i can't remember talking on the phone that long since i was like, 13.

anyways, it did wonderful things for my bad mood. i feel 8,000,000,000 times better. we talked about anything and everything, from new friends to being delightfully plump to my dad to his grad school work to bikrahm yoga (which he tried) to our friend terrie to heather*, my old roommate to.... everything under the sun. it was so great. thank you so much for calling me, LJ!

i also tried on some clothes that i had put away because they were too small. mostly shirts.. some never worn because i ordered them from catalogs and never fit into them. i found about 6 or 7 things that fit! in fact, two skirts are a size bigger than i am; i'm not going to be able to wear them for long! so that was a mood lifter, too.

it was funny because while i was pulling things out, i found my scale. david hid it in there because i am challenging myself to not weigh weekly in october. to just keep on working out and eating right, and see how the month treats me. i didn't really need him to hide it, but he did anyways. oops. it was a great hiding spot because i don't usually go in there! just today, cuz i needed a pick-me-up. it was quite reminicent of the time i accidently found my birthday present. i wasn't looking! i was just cleaning his car!

well, i must go now and cook us some dinner. then we are going to go see kill bill. should be good. nighty night,


p.s. i got googled for "we fucked in tahoe pictures." i was #4. i rule.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
