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900th commemorative entry
05/24/03 ~ 10:06 a.m.

this my 900th entry. by my count, not diaryland's.. they say i'm at 915 already. but some of those are "links" pages and such, i don't think they count. heh.

i did a commemorative entry at 700, so here are my 9 best entries from 701-899. enjoy!

(damn, i was really emotional and introspective these past 6 months. forgive me!)

1. entry731.html - jeannine's boy drama

2. entry776.html - jenn and i becoming friends again

3. entry777.html - my cheer up card

4. entry785.html - about true love

5. entry787.html - i talk about being emotional

6. entry813.html - david's family disses me

7. entry831.html - a major breakthrough where i do some serious soul searching.

8. entry839.html - life is too complicated

9. entry848.html - more self discovery stuff.

and those should represent my diary pretty well. i hope you enjoy reading it... and i plan to keep writing in it for a long, long time.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
