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woo, patriotism
07/04/02 ~ 9:06 a.m.

happy 4th, everyone!

i got my big "welcome home to america" yesterday -- driving home, i got a speeding ticket. good old usa. grrrr.

i'm not happy i woke up so early this morning. 7 am, and couldn't sleep. i played with jazzie for ahwile, she missed me a lot. and i missed her. she's my baby. in fact, she just came in the room and said "ooooooow. ow." (translation: "hi!!!!") and now she's on my lap. and she gave me kisses. aaaaaaaaaaaaw i love her. i put her out at like 7:30, and she wanted back in to cuddle 10 minutes later.

anyways, (she's moving my mouse now) i've been online since around 7:30, fussing with r-e-v-i-e-w (it's closed cuz we're soooo backed up. i did some reviews and also archived entries, re-organized the pending stuff, etc.) and playing destruct-o match! yay, neopets obsession is back again.

so today, i am going to pick up my pictures, take a BATH (tired of showers), dress with red white and blue (ned's mom gave me a flag necklace for christmas, so now i can wear it!), buy brooke a b-day present, meet with brooke and robert sometime, and maybe go out to folsom where my uncle lives to see my cousin and also my dad and half brother. sigh. not necissarily in that order.

chad told me yesterday the my cousin bree is in from missouri (i think that's where she lives) and will be at my uncle's house. i haven't seen her or my uncle in at least 2 years. and you all know the last time i saw my dad. and how it ended up. so we'll see what i end up doing.

well, i'm going ot get my ass out of this non-comfy chair, read some of my van gogh book, and then proceed with my day. hope you all party hardy and eat BBQ!!!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
