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100 things

big, BIG *sigh* of relief
03/31/02 ~ 10:27 p.m.

fuck yeah. i fucking won the court case. check this out:

"IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that plaintiff Holly J. K*** shall have and recover from defendant Peter M. K**** the sum of $15,539.02 plus cost of suit."

so whew. that's a BIG weight off of my shoulders. now, i know it will be years before i see this money, if i ever get all of it, but at least he is legally bound to it. when he gets a job, i start getting payments.

this house is sooooooo clean. i'm very proud. i haven't seen heather yet; she's here but on the phone. i'm sure she'll come say hi before she goes to bed.

jeffy didn't come with me today.. but he had good reason not to. seems he was supposed to get his new van today. hope that went well. my afternoon was nice, but not worth laying out in detail. i'm sur eyou all thank me. i can say two things though:

1. toddlers can be SO cute. i know they're a pain in the ass alot, and babies keep you up all night, and all that stuff, but kids really are amazing. i am looking forward to the point in my life when i am ready to bring up children of my own.

2. i knew this before, but i'm saying it again: damn, does asparagus make your pee smell funny. no, i'm not laying on the ground, smelling my toilet, it just wafts up to my nose. and it's not just me. try it.

and that's my wisdom for the night. we'll see if i have any wisdom left after classes and work tomorrow.

i'm in a really great mood and i am just feeling love for you all. =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
