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100 things

done... almost
03/25/02 ~ 6:36 p.m.

i am totally wiped out. after spending some time with jenn yesterday, running my errands, we went to my mom's house for dinner. we also watched 2 movies - O and rockstar. niether was stellar.

mom and i went to bed at about 10:30. we rose at 3:30 (after a terrible night's sleep) and got on our way. that was not enough sleep for me.

we finally got through the traffic and to the courthouse... way early. so we sat around until 9:00. my nerves were killing me. the we sat through an entire trial, which lasted 2 hours. we were 5th, so it was looking like it was going to be a looooooooong time. i started to fall asleep, at which point the court deputy came over and told me that i was going to sleep, i'd be kicked out. oops.

luckily, cases 2, 3 & 4 settled whiel the first one was going on, so we went up next. i was scared shitless.

so basically, i presented my case, my evidence, and described the situation. then my dad got a turn. the judge then yelled at my mom for shaking her head and being distracting in the audience. eek.

anyways, i think i made my case very well, dispite my dad's attempt to pull the, "poor me, my daughter doesn't visit me" card. but i restrained and didn't mention to the court that he cheated on my mom, was in jail, is an alcoholic, and has a baby son. nope... i just plainly stated the facts, explained things clearly, and kept my composure. after about 30 minutes, we put the case to rest. the verdict.......

is in the mail.

i guess he needed to fully review our spreadsheets to come up with a ruling. i talked to my dad in the hall afterwards. well, more like sobbed. i broke down as soon as i walked out of the courtroom. he thinks that they are going to rule more in my favor than in his, and i should get at least one year of back pay. he was pretty mad about it too. my dad is just incredible. he lies so much he believes himself. it's disgusting. i feel bad for him, all poor with a kid and stuff, but he still has a responsibilty to my and my brothers. i tried to give him 10 bucks to buy gas, but he wouldn't take it, even when i promised not to tell my mom.

i hate this.

but it's over... no matter what happens. i don't have to go to court again. thank god.

i slept a little in the car on the way ck, then rested at my mom's house before coming home. now i'm gonna act like a slug, lay on the couch, and watch tv.

i might miss an entry tomorrow because i am going straight from work to see ned off, and hopefully get one last romp. =) but you know me, i'll probably update when i get home.



back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
