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100 things

the human race
03/02/05 ~ 2:41 p.m.

the info is all in for the 3k run i want to do! it's called "the human rce" and the site is here. it's may 7th, 8 am, it costs $20 to enter, and you get a t-shirt for participating (score, workout clothes...)

my friend kristin is planning on doing it with me, and i think david might do it too, he's motivated by the t-shirt. hee.

i'm pretty sure i'll pick my non-profit to be the YMCA, since i belong there. makes sense, huh? david may pick that or bird rescue, since he used to volunteer there. i hope i can get a few people to sponsor me.

(cross-posted in my diet diary)

major hittage
03/02/05 ~ 11:04 a.m.

p.s. i just passed 75,000 hits! wow, i rock! espeically since i've lost a lot of readers to livejournal (where i post as well).

why i'm feeling better
03/02/05 ~ 10:55 a.m.

last night my sociology teacher handed our term papers back, after only a week. i was surprised. before she passed them out, she gave a stern lecture on how these were the worst papers she's seen in years, how she gave more Ds than ever before, how everyone totally missed the point, and how she's even going to allow extra credit for people to make up for it.

i start freaking out in my head. i knew i shouldn't have saved that paper until the last day! i don't really get the theories, did i use mine wrong? my topic wasn't specific enough! i'm sure i'm a better writer than half of these people who just got out of high school. did i lose it all after graduating? oh god, i hope i got at least a B...

she then goes on to say that there were only 4 A's. she starts handing back papers. one lady who wasn't there, she mentions that her paper was an A and that next week, with her permission, people might want to look at hers. i think it's funny because that lady said on the first day of class that she doesn't see the point of sociology. haha.

then she calls my name. as she's walking over, she says, "i put a star on this one. everyone should look at holly's paper if you want to see how the assignment was supposed to have been done. hers was the best in the class."

booyah. i've still got it.

and my mood yesterday only went up from there. adding to the goodness of mood is the fact that my boss went home about an hour ago to sleep cuz she's not feeling well. yay for free reign on the office for part of today, and ALL of tomorrow and friday! too bad i didn't bring my magazines today....


2004: i remember a while back, talking with someone about how maybe they should all end up single to keep up the "successful single girl" image. but none of them are really single at the end. not all of them are married or anything, but no one is "hopelessly alone".
2003: no entry
2002: you know you're lame when the first thing you do when you get home from a party is post an entry. especially when you're sober.
2001: i will be staying in a hotel with [ted], but my mother thinks i am 'house-sitting'.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
