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100 things

girls just wanna have fun....
03/02/02 ~ 12:50 a.m.

you know you're lame when the first thing you do when you get home from a party is post an entry. especially when you're sober.

my hair was a BIG hit. yes, i'm talking about the size of it. funny stuff. jenn did my makeup... i don't think i've ever worn that much blush. i don't usually wear makeup, really.

we all looked awesome. picture to come.

i think the best thing of the night was jenny's 4 best friends all being there together. that was the first time, and it's not going to be the most often occurance. veronica is from l.a., shelley has strict parents so she isn't able to go to many events, jenny is moving to indiana, al's originally from down south somewhere, and me? well, i'm staying right here. so we got a picture, and jenny was really happy. she's gonna frame it.

and now that i am home, i need to eat. then sleep. (i haven't really eaten much all day. i kinda forgot about dinner. oops.)

i'm sure i'll be around d-land tomorrow and the rest of the weekend =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
