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100 things

helping a friend
02/27/05 ~ 9:48 a.m.

jenn is here. she had a bad day yesterday, mostly relating to a certain male in her life who is not living up to expectations, but also adding to other hard times in her life (money/job troubles, etc.) i feel bad that i'm so far away, but i guess this time the 2 hour drive didn't matter, as she really needed someone and i'm glad i can be here.

she drove down last night, and we talked and played UNO with david, and watched st. elmo's fire. we were up till 1 am - SO late for me. i can't believe i didn't fall asleep during the movie. but i'd never seen it and i really wanted to.

yesterday with david's parents was fine. see, they really like me, so at least that's not the problem, it's just hard for me to be around them for so long. his sister especially, she's really intent on being "better" than you, and also "thinner" and "sicker" and "smarter" and everything else. but i think i managed to engage her in some decent conversations.

david's mom wants me to start calling her "mom", which is just weird for me. i can't do it yet. although i do call his grandparetns "grandma" and "grandpa", but maybe that's because you call ALL old people "grandma", you know? anyways.

so david replaced their faucet, hooked up their DVD player, and changed a computer monitor. then they took us out to dinner at an italian place and i have yummy "homemade" raviolis.

now i'm going so i can figure out something fun for jen and i to do now. hasta~



2004: so today, her car gets stolen from their workplace! but it's related to some anonymous gang tip she gave or something. geez.
2003: they passworded the internet somehow and i can't get onto it at work. bastards.
2002: yuck, i've never taken summer school and i've never wanted to. but i want to graduate, that's certain.
2001: i still have the nasal voice and some yucky guck in my nose/throat area but i'm much better.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
