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100 things

tmi, probably
01/15/05 ~ 12:40 p.m.

i should know better than to make jokes about the UTI. it will come back and kick you in the ass. or other places.

this could be tmi. you can scroll down past the stars if you don't care to read about my bodily issues. end disclaimer.

i am in pain.

despite the cranberry juice and the uti medicine, it's worse this morning. i've drank a ton of fluids, taken a warm bath and cleaned really well, taken more medicine and extra strength asprin, and it's just bad. i'm slightly better now than an hour ago, when i couldn't pee and there was blood and i ended up curling up crying on the couch. but i think the asprin is working now. it's just a muted pain and a slight burn. and i can't see a doctor without paying an ER fee, so i'm refusing to do that. i just have to wait it out.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. ok. now i've vented, and i can begin the healing process.

************* END TMI *******************

so today, david and are are heading up to sacramento. we're leaving in about 20 minutes. first we are visiting the lovely jeannine*, as david has never seen her place, and really, it's our turn to come to her. and we miss her.

then we're going out ot dinner for a surprise party for beverly*. she's never read this page as far as i know, and justin b* only occasionally reads my livejournal, so i think i'm safe mentioning that.

[speaking of livejournal, they had a huge power failure and have been down for almost 24 hours. sucks!]

so tonight, we'll eat and maybe go out for some drinks, and come back home in the wee hours of night. sure, it's a long drive, but these are some of our bestest friends. david's even in their wedding party! so yeah.

tomorrow david's karate friends are having a little party in the afternoon. they're all in a band together, so there will be some playing and maybe dancing. i don't know what to expect at all, but i know i need to make a good showing as "the girlfriend." he made a good show on thursday night, so now it's my turn to repay him.

alright, i need to pack up my stuff for the day now.



p.s. if you read any of the entries linked below, go for the one from 2001. it's actualy two entries linked together, and it's a very important story from my past.


2004: ok, i guess i'll cover up my eyebrows (see last entry) in order to play the fun new game.
2003: people in georgia can have sex now! yay for them.
2002: [ted*] is going to study abroad in france this summer. and i'm going to see him!!! france is my #1 place i want to travel to. i'm ssooooooo stoked.
2001: i wondered what could have happened if i'd slept with him. i regretted not doing it.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
