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100 things

a night of DVDs
01/06/05 ~ 10:59 p.m.

i just watched the bonus disk of sex and the city, and cried at the farewells. i am such a sap.

then i watched little black book, which i LOVED, because it totally does not end how you think it will.

and my stomach has been grumbling for an hour but i am going to spite it and go to sleep so i can't feel the hunger. take that, stomach!

stupid ass phone
01/06/05 ~ 1:22 p.m.

so, i've decided, after having it for a little less than 2 weeks, that i hate my phone.

really, it's 99% cool, with cool features and very lightweight in all it's flippy goodness, but i CAN'T HEAR THE FUCKING THING! so what does it matter how cool it is, if i don't know when someone is calling/texting me? and yes, i know how to change the settings and it's up super loud. so obviously, this phone sucks.

so take my happy little self over to a cingular store. i lay out my worries, he inspects my phone and agrees that it's not very loud and part of the problem is that the speaker is on the INSIDE Of it's flippy goodness, so it's even more muffled. so he says, "well, within 30 days we can exchange it. all you need to bring in is the box and all the accessories: charger, manual, and phone."

begin panic now.

didn't i...


i DID clean the kitchen, i'm pretty sure i threw out the box, and not only that, i'm pretty sure we took our trash to the dumpster. fuck.

so my only options if the box is indeed gone: buy a new phone (cheapest phone in the store: $119!!!) or wait until i can get a new one as an upgrade on my plan (ONE AND A HALF YEARS!!!!)

there is no way i can afford a new phone, nor can i justify spending that when i could be saving it if i had it, but i don't want to miss my calls for a year and a half!!! why the fuck did i throw out that box? oh yeah, trying to be a CLEAN person. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

so i call david and bitch, and he comes up with option 3: we switch sim cards since he leaves his phone on vibrate all day anyways, it's in his pocket. he's got an ancient nokia, and it's by no means as cool as my phone, but at least it's LOUD. so i agree to do that if my box is gone.

but now i'm scheming a way to get him to sign a new contract and get HIS new phone, which of course *i* will pick out and keep for myself. it doesn't mater much to him, he says, and anyways, he wants to shell out the cash for one that has a built in radio. so i'll work on him again tonight.

but for now, good-bye flip phone. you are pretty cool, but you also fucking suck.


2003: my second class is a shakespeare class, and to my delight (either i didn't realize this or it's just what my teacher picked) we're doing 6 plays that deal with "marriage and courtship." yay, romance.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
