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100 things

halfway through my day!
01/06/03 ~ 2:29 p.m.

i'm at school. 2 classes down, 2 more today. one new one tomorrow makes 5.

my first class seems ok. i hate probability, but it's lower division and i should be good. only tough thing is, the teacher has a THICK italian accent. it's hard to understand. sigh.

my second class is a shakespeare class, and to my delight (either i didn't realize this or it's just what my teacher picked) we're doing 6 plays that deal with "marriage and courtship." yay, romance. we're reading much ado about nothing, midsummer's night dream, merry wives of windsor, two gentlemen of verona, um, and two others. oh! taming of the shrew... and i forget the other one. only 3 papers, the longest one being 5 pages. i can dig it, in fact, i think i'll enjoy it! my teacher is really old, looks like he might keel over in front of class, and .... speaks... oh.... so.... painfully... slow. but whatever. when he finally spits it out, it's in clear english, and i'm thankful for that.

my next class is a computer one, and the teacher is rumored to be really cool and quite flamboyent. sounds good. and my 4th class today, i know nothing about. it's an english class, i couldn't find any books to buy, which scares me cuz i think it's just an essay writing class. sigh. i need it to graduate.

my poor baby is really sick today. he said he was cold, yet the room was awful and muggy and hot, and he was burning up. i hope the medicine and the water i gave him has broken his fever.

well, i'm gonna sit and read a little before heading off to the next class. i'm cool and snagged a computer in the basement of the special engineering library, where i shouldn't be doing this but there's no one around to catch me. hee.

hasta pasta!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
