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100 things

no pain , no gain?
01/05/05 ~ 1:35 p.m.

i keep getting inturrupted as i try to write this entry. so i'll be short and sweet.

my ass muscles hurt. i did a ton of squats and lunges monday and yesterday, and alas, i need to do them everyday to strengthen my knee muscles for running. i guess the bonus is that after it stops hurting, my ass will be FIRM! woo.

tonight is more sex and the city with sabrina! she's getting there... she's on season 5. don't tell her the ending anyone!

peace out. got shit to do and don't want to be caught not doing it!


2004: i promise a real entry tomorrow, or later tonight. [ed. note: such a liar!]
2003: evil, evil you-know-who.
2002: i have SO many things to write about! seattle, vegas, me being sick, etc.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
