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100 things

job news
04/04/05 ~ 3:30 p.m.


my boss just got back from a meeting with jim, the old broker in this office, and jen & donna, the old assistants in the office.

quick backstory: jen & donna are leanne's assistants but they both work part time, in a job sharing situation. they hired me in jan 04 as a second assistant, and i work full time. at that time, jim was a broker in training in this office. jim moved out on his own this january and instead of anyone losing their job, jim "borrowed" jen and donna for a few months. the plan was, they were supposed to come back when we get another training broker in the office.

fast forward to last week: the new training broker will be starting in our office next month and leanne was getting ready to bring jen & donna back. only thing with that is, after the training broker is done (1 year) we're back at square one: someone would lose their job. so while that's a year away, but all of us look to the future when it has to do with cash flow, you know?

now zoom to friday: jim let leanne know that he'd like to KEEP jen & donna... permanantly. hmmm.

leanne thought about that, and realized it would be the best for her, me, jim... and in the long run, jen and donna. but she didn't know how they would react to that. they might be mad that they aren't coming back, and this office makes more money. more money = bigger bonus.

so. she went to the meeting with them. and she came back excited - they're staying there. donna will work in this office 1 day a week, when she can, to help with the marketing. this pleases her cuz she'll get a tiny slice of the bonus. also, they will always be available to help cover this office if i'm sick.

what does this mean for me?

1. job security like WHOA. i'm talking, when i need to drop part time, she'll want to keep me as much as possible. and that's not until fall 06. until then, i'm SO golden.

2. bigger bonus because it won't be split three ways. crazy.

i think i'm still in shock, absorbing it all. and a little nervous because with all thsi sercurity comes more responsibility, knowing that jen and donna aren't coming back to clean up after me. i mean, i'm doing very well right now, but it's still a shift in mindframe.

but it is a good thing. it is.

freaky dream
04/04/05 ~ 2:03 p.m.

so i had a dream that my brother married his girlfriend. this wouldn't be so freaky if he wasn't my younger brother, sill living at home, and only 19.

i think it came from reading about all these young engaged couples online and thinking "dear god, that could be my brother" because he's been dating his girlfriend for 1.75 years and...scary! but they both still live with their parents and aren't self sufficient and i don't think they'd take that step yet.

i hope not.

i actually love keara and hope that she sticks around, and i hope my brother has dated enough before her to realize if he wants to be with her forever. but i also hope he waits until he's like...21 maybe? with a good job. then he can get married.

this entry brought to you by psychotic dreaming and overprotective sisterlyness.


2004: can i just say, i SUCK at halo???
2003: i like going through my stuff as i pack and getting rid of things, i like organizing and decorating the new place.
2002: we went to woodstock's (college pizza joint) last night, and guess what i did? WORE MY SHIRT INSIDE OUT!! again.
2001: i leave for georgia in 2 days and not only do i get to see ned, but i get to have a *real* spring break where i actually relax (i usually work overtime to make extra money), i get to see a place i've never been, i get to meet my pen pal jennifer (we've been writing for over 10 years), and it's just going to be awesome.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
