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"retarded" part 2
04/04/02 ~ 5:31 p.m.

we went to woodstock's (college pizza joint) last night, and guess what i did? WORE MY SHIRT INSIDE OUT!! again. i was also wearing it like this when i met becky, my first potential roommate. *sigh* luckily, it looked exactly the same inside out except the fact that the seams were showing. but even that looked normal, so it was ok. argh.

alright... becky was super duper nice and i would totally like her as a roommate. she seems to like it, so the only thing is she has to decide is between davis and berkeley. hope she chooses here.

i took the french placement test today, and like i assumed, i placed WAY higher than the class i'm in. but i'm staying where i am. so there.

jenny hung out with me for almost the whole time at work today, cuz i was the only one in the office. it ruled. made work go so much faster. =)

i'm sleepy cuz i stayed up till 11 working on french work and got up for class at 8. and now i need to use the headphones and finish up the listening section, plus read some computer books. such is the life of a student. i think we're going to the cantina tonight... hope adam is there. ;)


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
