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on the hour photo project
08/16/03 ~ 7:08 p.m.

ok, we got our DSL set up. so the first thing i did was grab all those pictures i took on sept. 6th for the on the hour photo project.

so now you can see what it's like to be me... on a certain saturday where we were moving some of the essentials from davis to santa rosa.

hello all! i'm ready to start my day.

first things first. internet time.

next - breakfast and the little pill that keeps me un-pregnant.

jasmine has to go get some shots.

i ate lunch right about now. pasta. i forgot to take a picture though.

amy* and gabe* randomly show up! how fun!

amy is showing us the 800 pictures from their europe trip. here, they are on top of the alps (i think).

two more people show up! (amy called them.) it's christie and her brother (eric? i think?)

we head out to the pool.

the scary wheelchair guy makes amy get things out of his bag.

david shows off his newly learned skill.

i coerce him into the hot tub. mmmmm.... warm.

amy figures out that my camera has digital zoom!! i am SO EXCITED!! amy rules!

hence... she is zoomed.

it's about time that they left, but they dip their feet first.

i take a bath. sexy, huh?

we get david's grandma's truck loaded with the stuff we're taking down.

we stop at subway, where i almost forget to take a picture of my sandwich before i've scarfed it down. mmm, 6 under 6 subs are a blessing to those losing weight!

we're on the road.

we start slowing down, somewhere in fairfield. damn traffic.

we're driving the curvy roads now, about an hour later.

we're almost back! that's the highway 12 sign, but of course you can't read it.

we unload the stuff.

i get ready for the party we're going to. i ended up going with the bottom right hairstyle, half up.

we get to the house where the party is.

about midnight - we leave and a lot of the partiers move on to the bars. the hot chick is gwen, my coworker who invited me to the party.

woo! so that was a pretty eventful saturday! not very usual. today, all we did was unpack some boxes, cook corned beef, david got the DSL running, my grandma brought me a dresser, i cooked them spaghetti and meatballs, the sears guys dropped off our new washer and dryer, and we took a nap. well... ok. maybe stuff does happen.

heh. want to live a day as me? i know you do.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
