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two days at work
06/24/03 ~ 8:53 p.m.

ebay auctions? i love you!

tuesday at work:

i got 2 phone calls today, from two different companies! I have an interview with one of them next monday, and the other lady i have to call back tomorrow morning. woo, woo. the place i have an interview with is a software comany, too - you start out as a receptionist but you can move up in the company. AND there's travel! she mentioned florida and london. ::tries not to get toooooo excited:: my first interview... wish me luck! and i'm not going to get my hopes up too high. i swear.

while i was on the phone with her, a protest march went down the street. they were yelling "let them grow!" and "no DMO" i think. there were police horses and the bomb squad and just plain insanity. she could hear the chanting. well, hopefully i'll be a memorable interview, huh?

also in today's events -- i went for a run on my lunch! i went around my building 4 times. that's 16 blocks, 12 of them i was running. not a super long run, but hey, i only have a 30 minute lunch (and i ate at my desk, too.)

and last but not least, my boss is frustrating me and the rest of our team. he's changed the rules on us 8 billion times about what we're testing and how and all that. and now his new rules don't work and we're all on our last nerve. at least i'm working hard and the hours are going by. sigh. PLEASE, PLEASE let me get the cool software company job!!!

i wish i had rought my camera to capture the INSANENESS of today's protesters and such. (i'm bringing it tomorrow!) has a few pictures, not great ones but here's some examples.

monday at work:

so, today is the day of the big WTO march in downtown sacramento. it's a few streets away from where i work. since last time they had one, in seattle, huge riots broke out, sacramento is prepared like none other. so as i drive into town (i borrowed travers' car), i see people dressed up like corn and strawberries. wow, i wish i had my camera. then i drive around the block, to my favorite parking lot, and find it blocked off.

by the bomb squad.

see, i work across the street from the jail and the crime scene investigators. i guess they're afraid the rioters might cause some damage there. hence, the bomb squad. in full uniform. they must be hot.

i had a long meeting this morning, which was nice because it's already 1:12. i'm staying until 5 though, cuz i have a car and am not taking the bus. it's so nice to have that flexability (well, except for walking to the parking meter every hour). i can't wait until david and i can save up enough to get a new (used) car.

david said he's made progress today at the temp agencies, so that's good. hopefully when i go with him next monday, we'll both get jobs. cross your fingers, k?

oh, and total change of subject -- i hate that harry potter has only been released in hardcover. i want to read it but i don't want to buy a hard cover for 2 reasons: 1. the first 4 i own are paperback and i want them to match, and 2. i can't afford it! so hopefully i can borrow it from someone when they're done reading. and pray that no one spills secrets on diaries or message boards so it's not totally spoiled when i read it!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
