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100 things

pool time
06/07/03 ~ 3:43 p.m.

hello, all, i'm back from my anal raping, i mean final. yeah, it was hard. it was abstract. it was bad. keeping in mind tha ti only need a D to pass.... i *might* pass. it was that bad.

but moving on...

i had decided that i deserved a treat after that bitch slapping, so i biked to our little shopping center. first i got a jamba juice (instead of ben & jerry's). the i went to borders and bought a few books off my reading list. they didn't have she's come undone or pink slip, but i got #3 and #4 on my list, which are shopaholic ties the knot and jemima j. as i was standing in line, these two girls walked by and started raving about jemima j. hence, i'm going to read it first.

so the plan is, i'm going to lay out at the pool and read. and pretend my ass doesn't still hurt from the mathematical raping it recieved.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
