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what? i'm a fig tree... not a holly bush?
01/29/03 ~ 2:17 p.m.

according to bobbi's jo's site, this is my birthday tree:

Dec 12 to Dec 21 -- Fig Tree:
very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a social butterfly, good sense of humour, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.

i like to be lazy. this is true.

today has been busy so far. jeannine and i rose at 6 am, biked to school, and wrote announcements about the dms concert on a lot of chalkboards. (click that link, our new site is very cool!!) we hung fliers too. i went back home, and managed to sleep through my 10 am class.

got up at 11, and did the kickboxing tape again. i'm getting better at doing the moves, but it's still freaking hard! which is good.

then i showered, ate, etc., and came to class. like many a student, i took my school paper and began to read it. in the middle of reading jeffy's column, i realized no one ws talking, and looked up to see the teacher staring me down and the whole class looking at me. oops. i mumbled "sorry", pulled out my shakespeare book, and tried to play it cool. grrrr. why didn't he just ignore me? it's my own loss if i'm not listening. anyways.

there are two really good things about today though. 1 -- i lost another pound this week! yay! 2 -- i've gotten enough done this morning that when i get home, all i am doing is eating, and sitting on the couch to watch dawson's creek and bachelorette. LAZY NIGHT FOR ME WOOOOOO. cuz i've gotten a lot of homework done the past few days. i rule.

well, i don't have much time, and i have boards and diaries to read, so i'm gonna split.

peace out,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
