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100 things

my own private paradise
01/28/03 ~ 8:38 a.m.

what is paradise?

to me, paradise would be a time and place where all of my dreams and wishes not only came true, but existed harmoniously with each other in a setting that i deem perfect.

what are these elements?

setting: beach. not a sunny beach, where i'm getting a tan, but a rocky beach, where i am smelling the fresh air and looking out into the ocean. why? just thinking of this scene is so peaceful and relaxing. and in my paradise, i would be relaxed and worry free. which leads me to...

wishes: to BE worry free. this, to me, means eliminating certain things in my life. debt is one of them. i wish that i either lived somewhere where money was not needed, or had just enough to not worry about it. i also wish that my body was healthier, so i would be surrounded by only healthy foods and would weigh quite a bit less that i do now. i wish my friends would all be friends with each other. this would eliminate a lot of worry on my part.

dreams: to always be in love. to be surrounded by loved ones.

put it together: my paradise is living on the coast, near a rocky beach, with david. all my friends live in the surrounding houses, and are all friends with each other. i have no monetary worries, and no health worries. i am relaxed and peaceful.

these things would make me happy, and to me, it would be paradise.

written for pieces-ofyou

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
