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100 things

candid penis
01/30/03 ~ 8:38 a.m.

so, at the dms shows, we've started a new thing. we pass around disposable cameras, and devleop and post the pictures afterwards.

after the first try, jeannine and i were bummed we got not genital shots. yet on the second try, we did much better. we got a penis!!! a very small one, sadly. but we were very amused. you can see it here, at the bottom. (it was the last picture taken). yay.

in other news, i am meeting with jenn* tonight. i haven't talked to her again, so we haven't picked a place to meet. i'm not super excited. i'd rather stay home and nap. but whatever. i'll let you guys know how it goes.

ok, i have actual work to do today. so i'm going to go now. ta,


p.s. this is sue and travis!

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
