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100 things

it's hard work
12/11/02 ~ 9:10 a.m.

the three day diet did not work as wonderfully for me as it did for bobbi jo. =( i only lost 2 pounds this time. argh. seems like a lot of work, eating the specific (gross) foods, for very little result. but any loss is still good. chin up.

speaking of which, i am developing a zit on my chin. it's not done yet, and painful. sucks.

and, on monday i mentioned jokingly about how david should give me a hickey, so he just fully sucked my neck. not in the heat of the moment or anything. i was laughing. so, yesterday was a turtleneck day, and today at work, i've got my hair down and makeup on it. hee. it's kinda funny, actually. i never really did the hickey thing back in high school (rick did a little one once) so i feel all scandalous. but really, i'm just being infantile. such is my life.

tonight, my dear friend sarah from polycomp is coming over for dinner. bringing her wonderful (longterm -- like 4+ years) boyfriend, jon. i haven't sene her since the summer, she's never seen my place, and she's never met david. so i'm stoked. it's just to see each other, but also kinda a birthday present to me. =) we're just making chicken and rice and salad, having marguaritas, and chillin'.

tomorrow is my birthday! (and bobbi jo's!!) i'm actually glad about turning 22 because then i won't be 21. 21 is like this huge deal and all important, and 22 sounds much older and more mature. so during the day, amy and justine are taking me (and david, gabe, and jeannine) to san francisco for the day. then we're coming back to my place because all sorts of my random friends are coming over and we're having this being potluck shindig. i'm going to wear a tiara all day, just cuz i CAN.

i love that my friends are making a big deal of it, even though it's in the middle of finals and they are all busy and such. i love them!

back to work i go...


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
