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100 things

04/17/01 ~ 11:41 a.m.

i'm tired. but i'm trying hard to feel empowered! i am a single, radiant woman!!! yay. ok, so i submitted a girl-boy list a while ao, but i don't think i did the best job. i'm going to work on my list of required qualities and bonus qualities and post it right here.

VERY important qualities

1. smart
smarter than me. i need someone who challenges me.
2. nice
aka, not an ASSHOLE. to anyone. i'm nice to everyone and he should be too.
3. sense of humor
laughes at funny jokes, doesn't take things toooo seriously.
4. funny
makes some jokes of his own! that i laugh at!
5. good music taste
aka, generally likes the smae alternative/ pop genre stuff that i like.

bonus points (not totally required but would be nice)

1. good looking
it helps to be hopelessly attracted to your guy, ya know?
2. is a dancer
or, is willing to dance. i love my swing dancing!

random stuff i'd like

-has the same view on PDA's as me
as in, likes them more than ned ("talking is ok..touching is not") but less than astrid & bleh ("let's stick our tounges down each other's throats in public") but appreciates hand holding, small kisses, etc.
-brushes my hair back from my face
-plays with my fingernails
which means he also holds my hand. a lot.
-has an opinion
but also listens to the validity of mine
-randomly spews movie quotes
bonus points if they're from empire records or dazed and confused!
-likes mosh pits
and comes in them with me. cuz we'd go to concerts together.
-likes my cheesy teenage drama shows
dawson's creek, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, gilmore girls
-gives massages
i don't, so someone needs to
-likes to be photographed
i love to take pictures. he who hides from the camera pisses me off.
-doesn't mind my singing
i suck a LOT of ass at singing. i may be tone deaf.

ok, so there's my laundry list. if i keep my standards high... i get less people (right jeffy?) no, i'll get QUALITY people. and that i'm looking forward to.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
