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100 things

just another day
04/18/01 ~ 1:39 p.m.

nothing special about today. well, there's a new dawson's creek tonight, that's special. i missed last week's because i programmed my VCR but neglected to change the time on the TV when daylight savings time occured. i have too many damn clocks.

i'm going out to davis tonight, watching DC at astrid's house and also meeting potential roommate #1 before DC. he's my second choice, he sounds really cool and all but my first choice is an apartment where i'd get my own bathroom and there's a washer and dryer in the house. this guy's has a laundry room and one bathroom. but we'll see. i meet the other girl on friday, so everybody cross your fingers that she just thinks i'm the coolest person ever!

my room is worse than it's been in about a year, which is saying a LOT. i'm kinda unpacked, but it's unpacked all over the floor, and i have tons of laundry to do, and clean and dirty clothes are all in one pile. i'm gonna have to do the "smell test". this is bad. guess what i'm doing this weekend???

that's all campers. go on with your days and get off the computer!!!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
