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100 things

justin's b-day
07/19/02 ~ 5:23 p.m.

today, justin b. turned 21. tonight, the celebration.

it will be at the same place as david's 21st, but no fear... it will not end as david's did.

my house is the crashing place, and at least 5 extra people will be here tonight. fun, fun. =)

tomorrow, my 18 year old cousin is getting married. so jenn and i are heading off to that. sunday, david leaves for two weeks. =( it's ok, i'll get a bunch of scrapbooking done, hopefully!

because i'm boring, i suggest you read this entry. it's by my dear annie, and it cracks me up. my mom is NOTHING like that. nothing.

bye bye, dearies. keep signing the book!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
