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100 things

me = bookworm
07/17/02 ~ 9:18 a.m.

argh. my entry just got eaten. at least it wasn't that long yet.

i was saying that my computer has been jimmied with and is not completely done, but at least he got the modem working.

also, that i have read 2 books in a very short amount of time good in bed and her, which are both pretty new and on the shelves now! i like them both. jenn borrowed her and loved it. she thinks we're like the main character and her best friend. all i can say is, i hope i'm more helpful then her best friend. she messed up a lot.

it's 9:21. i'm up kinda early... guess cuz i went to bed before midnight. i need to go to the grocery store. i need cat food, pool shampoo (my hair is getting that green glow), and quarters (laundry time!).

tonight maybe i will do some of that laundry? heh. tomorrow i work some extra hours and then jeannine comes over to hang. she's staying until friday night, when we have a cantina party for justin b.

i'm antsy. i feel like letting loose!

yay summer.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
