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100 things

you put up with me for 600?
07/15/02 ~ 8:45 p.m.

entry 600?!?!?! i feel like i should be doing something special. or at least addressing something important. but david is on his way over, so i'll be fast instead.

um, in the almost 2 years i've been here.... i've changed not so much but i think i've learned a lot. probably cuz i go to school and all that jazz. i'd like to thank the acadamy...

no, really. i love my diaryland friends. they are great. i want to meet all of you, like i did lisa, sammi, and bobbi. we should all make it happen!

it's been totally nice weather in my part of the woods today. not scorching, like most of the time lately, but nice. i layed out at the pool for about 2 hours, reading and relaxing (and talking on the phone to brooke).

i like summer. i like reading for fun. i like sleeping in. i like dancing. i like staying out late. i like swimming. i love summer.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
