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jump jive 'n wail
07/15/02 ~ 12:44 a.m.

ARGH. i had to refresh typing this cuz the flashing banner was making me nutz. you know the one i'm talkin' about!!

i'm talking on AIM to chris of penisnews. you should check out his diary, it's great. as long as you like sappy romance gushiness mixed with passionate, lusty need. like me.

there, chris. hope you get more readers!

so swing was fun... but my knee didn't particularly like it. swivel action hurt me pretty bad. so i didn't dance much due to that. sigh. guess i should see the doctor.

summer would be much more fun if not interrupted by work. then i could let loose more often. =)


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
