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100 things

2 trip pictures
06/27/02 ~ 11:53 a.m.

i know you all want pictures! so do i, i want to develop them all. so far, i've taken 7 rolls. BUT we did take a few cute ones here at bobbi's house on pieter's digital camera. so here ya go... no famous landmarks, but hopefully these will hold ya over till next tuesday!

first, me and their doggie luna:

pieter, bobbi, me and luna:

yay, there ya go. this will probably be my last entry until i get home, because tonight bobbi is going to disconnect her computer and lock it up, to be safe. the thieves have a set of her keys, and she doesn't want them to get her valuables. hopefully there wasn't a written copy of her address is there.

they leave early, early tomorrow morning to fly to ohio. ned and i are going to do some more touristy things here in amsterdam. i found out about the heineken experience, which only costs 5 euros and you get a tour, 3 glasses of beer, and a souvenir glass and tin! sounds like a deal to me.

i am sad about the lack of guestbook signings! don't you guys miss me??? show me the love.

i'll be back with a full trip report and pictures next week! kisses,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
