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100 things

not the way i planned it
04/08/02 ~ 12:15 a.m.

well, i seemed to have convieniently not mentioned earlier my sneaking suspicion that maybe adam is interested in tiffany. *sigh*. i think so even more tonight.

it's not that he was flirting. oh, no. he's SO much like me - he doesn't flirt, he's a klutz, he is a deep thinker, etc. but it sure seemed like he was paying a lot of attention to her - well, a lot more than to me, that's for sure.

i hate this. i feel so inadaquate. i guess i'm just not sure of myself enough. it's just that i'm not that cute. ok, i have my moments, and i know i'm fun and happy and everything, but i'm overweight and that seems to spoil everything. i know it's my fault, and i'd love to be determined and change that, but i'm just not. nost of the time, i'm fine with this, and i love myself. but when i find that someone i like isn't interested, my first instinct is my looks. cuz why else wouldn't they like me? i'm smart, i'm nice, i'm funny, i'm outgoing, and i make other people feel good about themselves. i just wish adam would see that.

the moments i *do* share with him seem magical. and he does compliment me, and smile at me, and stuff. i'm just so confused, and frustrated. obviously, this means a lot to me because i'm so worried about jeopardizing it.

so i have krystal on the scene, tomorrow she's gonna ask tiff if she is interested in adam. if not, then we just need to get that point across to adam. if so, argh.

why is it that boys cause so much pain?

i need a hug:


p.s. i feel like i have been slacking on r-e-v-i-e-w lately. i'll do a whole shitload tomorrow. anyone want to review, too? join me! it's fun!!

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* check the cast page for details about this person!
