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100 things

a whole lotta nothing
04/08/02 ~ 5:12 p.m.

i daydreamed a lot today. among them were some good ones:

-- a very wealthy person comes into my office, put a lot of money in their account, taked pity on me, and gives me $10,000 just for the hell of it. i even imagined paying off my credit cards, having to visit this old lady in return for the $$, everything.

-- i'm chilling in my room, studying, and adam calls heather's phone to make sure i'm here. she doesn't tell me, so when he appears in my room to profess his love to me even though i'm in pj's, i'm totally surprised.

-- i get straight A's and therefore, recieve my diploma as an award, and i'm out of school! whee.

sigh. if one out of the three happened, i'd be happy. that's all i ask.

oh, if by some chance you don't read andrea's awesome journal, please, please, please read this one because it is the funnest turn of events i've heard in a long, long time.

plan for tonight: homework, homework, shower, homework. it would help if the language center's website was up, so i could do my french work, but whatever.



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* check the cast page for details about this person!
