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100 things

today has no topic
03/06/02 ~ 12:21 p.m.

last night, jenn and i watched orgamso. i've been wanting to see it for 2 years or something, so i was really stoked. and it ruled, i was totally laughing. there's this part where they shoot an old lady with the orgasmorater (it gives people orgamsms) and she starts humping her walker. i about died.

it's written by trey parker, one of the south park guys... same guys who did baseketball. it sade the same 3 main characters, including the guy they call "little bitch".

speaking of little bitches, my computer is being one. luckily, i'm at school updating right now, so i'm not in fear of being kicked off at any second.

i wish i had my camera with me on campus about half an hour ago. i usually have it with me, but not when i bunch of ducks crossed my path while i was walking to class. i have no idea where they came from, but they were so cute. =)

dude, there was a bomb threat at school yesterday. heather's class was cancelled and a whole building was surrounded by police cars and taped off. too bad i missed it.

tomorrow i have a busy schedule. work in the morning, then my wells fargo interview, go to the courthouse to get a document, stop by mom's office to sign papers, go by polycomp to pick up a candle order, and then i think krystal is coming over to watch friends.

you know how everything is six degrees? krystal and i figured out ours. if someone who didn't know my friends asked how i knew her, my answer would be "she's my roommate's boyfriend's friend's roommate's girlfriend." or, in other words, it goes:

me -> heather -> travers -> adam -> steven -> krystal

it'd be really perfect if krystal had been in a movie with kevin bacon.

hi, my name is holly and i am a catalog whore. me, credit cards, and cheesy teenager magazines like girlfriends la or delia*s are a bad mix. here are my most recent purchases: a cute, knee-length stretchy jean skirt, a simple black top, a basic black sweater, and cheesy eye makeup (in blue). sigh. it's all good stuff, though. i got it yesterday.

snippet from class this morning:
teacher:"some people say that with the old punch card method of programming, students were better programmers because they had to not make mistakes. nowadays, you just hack out some code, try it and it won't compile, and hack, hack, hack until it works."
student: "so, if you had 100 monkeys, 100 computers, and 100 compilers, and they tested their stuff every second, they could write microsoft office?"
teacher: "less time than that. in fact, i think a bunch of monkeys did write microsoft office."

[cue laugh track]

i had snack size butterfingers for breakfast. this must be why i am rambling on. yes.

my ex-lab partner andy is meeting me for lunch today. i haven't seen that cat in a while. silly cracker. hope he doesn't bail.

eep. next week is the last week of classes. then finals. it went by so fast. i guess the good news is, i only had to worry about failing math for like 4 weeks.

i have been trying forever to take the quiz bobbi took and get gonzo as my answer. he may not exist as a possible answer. if someone gets him, please send the code to me!!! anyways, here's my REAL answer:

You are Fozzie!
Wokka Wokka! You love to make lame jokes. Your sense of humor might be a bit off, but you're a great friend and can always be counted on.


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
