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100 things

who needs sex?
03/05/02 ~ 10:42 p.m.

ok, i know you've all seen a million of these, but this on suits me perfectly. (this one or one about the internet!)

top 10 reasons why SLEEP is better than SEX!

10. you don't feel guilty about doing it alone.
9. no one ever starts rumors about how much you sleep.
8. you don't feel like a total loser if you didn't get any.
7. you don't have to pay for sleep.
6. you don't need to sleep after sleeping
5. you can sleep for eight hours straight. (i sleep more!)
4. you can sleep in church. (or in class, in my case!)
3. your teddy bear never complains.
2. while you're asleep you can have sex with anyone you want.
1. it's legal to sleep in any position in all 50 states!

and on that note... goodnight!


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
