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the rick follow-up
01/22/01 ~ 4:11 pm

ok, so the rick thing happened a few days ago. he called me 2 days after sending the letter, and we had a nice talk. about EVERYTHING. he was shocked to hear about what i've been doing the last few months, and he filled me in on his less scandolous doings. i even read him back a poem he wrote about me and i found. he didn't know i'd ever seen it. but the conversation didn't solve everything. we have much more to say, and he wants to do it face to face. i'm a little worried because i think there are leftover feelings for him that i have. but the wise jeffy says, "i think you're in love with the idea of rick, not actually with him. i bet if he was around all the time, you'd get sick of him." which could be very true. this is directly the opposite of ned. we hang out and don't get sick of each other. i was worried he was getting sick of me, but he told me he misses hanging out with someone he never gets tired of =). i told him everything about the rick situation. he asked right away, "are you two back together?" and i responded with a quick "no." but i know most of that is because of him. if there was no ned, i'd be trying very hard to get in touch with rick. so now i'm just waiting. waiting for rick to visit, waiting for ned to come home in march, just waiting. we'll see how it all pans out.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
