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100 things

it's my friday!
03/24/05 ~ 1:27 p.m.

i am so happy that when i leave in 3.5 hours, i will have a 3 day weekend. here's my plans:

tomorrow - no work, so i'm planning on a bit of a sleep in, organizing the computer room to make way for a new desk, hanging with mariah*, yoga at 5:45 and dinner at applebee's with david.

saturday - a run in the morning, subway for lunch, showering & packing, and off to IKEA to shop for my new desk (and as many other house items as i can talk david into! hee hee). it's about 1.5 hours away. then we will go stright from IKEA to my grandparent's house (another 1.5 hrs), where we will be spending the night.

sunday - wake up at grandma's, go visit great aunt in the next town over, then go to my mom's house in the OTHER next town over at 3. easter dinner there with her and my brothers and THOSE grandparents.

sunday evening - drive home (2 hrs), and collapse from exhaustion, too much driving, and family overload. ;)

alright, your turn. what are your easter weekend plans?


2004: i hope [brooke] gets it, it would save her so much time and money on commuting. (she works in s.f. now - 1/2 hour drive, 1 hr ferry ride, 1/2 hour bus ride -- 2 hours EACH WAY! its insane.)
2003: so main main thing today was.. swim practice! it was my first time back in the water for a workout in about 3 years. wow.
the ants are marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
the COWS are marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
the students are marching one by one
i don't have time to answer the phone
but you can leave me
after the tone.

2001: i was online and i was in a gloomy, needing to be reassured that i'm special mood.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
