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100 things

sunday bloody sunday
03/13/05 ~ 6:17 p.m.

yesterday after our run, i met my friend terrie for sushi (yum!) and then did some errands with david. he ordered his new cell phone and joined up on my minutes plan. it will save us money each month to share minutes. then we went to the independant movie theater to see the film the wild parrots of telegraph hill. right before the movie started, i spilled my entire small popcorn all over the floor and i was really upset. david ran out and bought me another one! i was shocked, that was so sweet. i ended up really loving the movie, too.

today, all i've done is some laundry, watch an episode of the oc, finish reading p.s. i love you, and hang out with mariah. she came over and had david work on her laptop, which got a virus. we had pizza for lunch and then watched a few episodes of desperate housewives. then i let her use my internet and got her set up on livejournal. she just left, david's gone at roleplaying, and i'm not excatly sure what i want to do next. i think i'll watch napoleon dynamite, since we downloaded it to the xbox. i'll have spent half of the day watching the tv! at least i read or about an hour and a half. that cancels it out, i think.

hope you all have a good night!


2004: no entry, was car shopping!
2003: resume thinking i'm a cute little angel goody goody virgin who just loves the muppets and puppy dogs and all that foo foo stuff.
2002: they insisted that i look better w/o makeup, and david got me to rub a the blue off of my eyes. no wonder i rarely wear makeup.
2001: and although i *am* lying now, i couldn't lie straight up if she were to ask me, "so are you sleeping together?" and then... the disappointment. the guilt trip. i doubt she'd actually punish me or anything, but i'd feel so bad for letting her down.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
