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bonus check + tax return = ipod mini!
02/10/05 ~ 2:35 p.m.

la la la....

slightly bored, not wanting to do the silly unimportant tasks i have left...

tomorrow david has an appointment with my broker to go over his 401k options and all those things because he needs to be investing in that! saving money and retiring, you know. and then after his appointment (which is get to go to, while i'm being paid ;), we get to go out to lunch. yay for that.

ooh! tomorrow i get my bonus check. i'm not sure what it will be after taxes are taken out (they are taxed as a "gift" which is like 40% or more!) but it will be super great to have. add that to my tax return, which i should get in the next few weeks, and i will not only have enough money to finally get that ipod mini i really want, but to put probably $1000 in my savings account. i feel AWESOME about that. i haven't had a savings account with a decent amount of money in it since i was about 18, i think. 6 years!!!

what color ipod should i get? i'm leaning towards blue. but i also kinda like the classic look of silver. i'm not a gold or pink person, and green is just too green for me. i'm also going to get the arm band for running and the rubber cover thing cuz i hear they scratch easily. i guess i'll pick the best color when i actually go BUY it. which i won't do until i have actually gotten all three checks (bonus, federal return, and state return) and squirreled away as much as possible.

alrighty. i think i'm done rambling.

an entry of substance
02/10/05 ~ 11:13 a.m.

hmmm. a real entry. that's what i'm going to attempt to do today.

so, i got a compliment from my nutritionist teacher. she started consulting me on my own eating problems, because i want to get off the rest of this weight that appears to be stuck and not going anywhere. i mean, at one point i'd lost 73 pounds (i have 15 to re-lose now), so i'm on the downward slope! i've lost more than half of what i had to lose in the first place. what is my problem?!?

so anyways. the compliment. when i told her how much i weigh (alright, fine. i'm going public with a full disclosure - 185 lbs), she said she was surprised because of the way i carry my weight (on my butt and thighs, ha!) and looking at my face and top half she would have guessed clsoer to 150. now, that's INSANE because 150 would be a healthy weight and i am clearly not there yet, but i guess it felt nice to know that at least my top half isn't crazy fatty looking. yeah.

i think if nothing else, meeting with her will help me have a little more accountability. i ate wonderfully yesterday, and i'm eating well today too (with a planned splurge at applebee's tonight).

but since this isn't the weightloss blog, i'll move on from this now. i just wanted to post something of depth.

so tonight - applebee's with the other assistants in the area. i think there's about 10 of us going. yum.

tomorrow night is busy and fun-filled: right after work, i will hit the YMCA for a run, then i will head over to david's dojo to watch him take his first belt test. yes, my sweetie will soon be a yellow belt, after just 6 weeks of classes!

after he takes it (and passes, natch), we're going to grab a quick dinner, change clothes, and drive out to san francisco for justine's birthday party! we plan on spending the night there, so sometime saturday we will return home and hopefully begin to relax. or do a bunch of chores. whichever.

ok. hopefully you all enjoyed my entry of substance. i'm out.


2004: i want to write a screenplay of my life.
2003: david keeps telling me i need to work on myself and try to become what *i* want myself to be, not what i think others want. stop trying to make everyone happy, and make me happy.
2002: i was worried that i'd pissed her off, so i left an "i'm sorry" note with $5 that told her to buy a jamba juice so that she'd have a better day.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
