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100 things

sex offenders
01/10/05 ~ 1:00 p.m.

i forgot a really creepy thing that happened last week. so, my coworker donna comes in on tuesday and informs us that she was browsing the megan's law page to check for sex offenders in her area. and she came across one of jim's clients. so we were all kinda freaked by that. but i guess that reminded jim that he needed to call that guy, so he did. and on wednesday, he dropped by. while i was ALONE in the office. NICE. i hadn't looked at the page, so i didn't know what he'd done, but it was all i could think about. my thoughts: "i wonder what he did? ewwwww creepy. ok, act like nothing's wrong, act like nothing's wrong..."

so anyways, after he left and donna came back, we looked up his listing. under offenses, it said:


so we decided, well, that didn't sound THAT bad... he was lewd, maybe flashed someone, and spent time in a mental instituion because of it? at least he didn't actually molest anyone. or so we tried to reassure ourselves.

but then today, i tell my other coworker jen the story. her husband is a police sergent, and he'd looked at the codes with her. we had them all wrong. they mean that he MOLESTED A MENTALLY DISABLED CHILD!!!! ew ew ew ew. there are some sick people out there, and one of them is jim's client.

oh, and p.s.? in this semi-small town of petaluma, ca, there are SIXTY FOUR offenders REGISTERED. what about those not caught? wow, we live in a world of pervs.


2004: basically, i don't want to skip a month and use other methods cuz i've been on the pill for about 5 years and it's workng great. i don't want to fuck with my hormones, you know?
2003: yes folks, i fell in a hole. me = retarded.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
