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100 things

what are you thankful for?
11/25/04 ~ 12:28 p.m.

i'm thankful for:

my kitty, she's sweet and loves me
my cute little house
having a ton of friends who will be there for me if i need them
the internet
and of course, for david and my wonderful relationship with him. i'm blessed to have him in my life, and lucky that he loves me as much as he does.

end sappyness. ;P

soon, we'll be on our way to two thanksgivings - both sets of david's grandparents have their own festivities, and they are vastly different from the other. the first will be traditional and stuff, the second will be crazy, informal, and full of kids (remember, his aunt has 9 of them!)

and don't worry, thanksgiving part 3 will be on saturday, at my mom's house. whew.

hope everyone has a great day and eats a lot of great food! mmm, pie....


one year ago: i like the song "lose yourself." shut up.
two years ago: we also got to ride an elephant. [see picture below!]
three years ago: i doped myself up with sudafed and tried to not wake up except for my fruit breakfast.
four years ago:although i'll miss him, it'll be better when he's gone.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
