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100 things

waiting for the weekend to be here
10/28/04 ~ 1:21 p.m.

work = argh. that's all i'm going to say. sooooooooooooo ready for the weekend.

it should be an extra-fun weekend, too. saturday morning jeannine will arrive at my house. i will then stop frantically cleaning and spend the afternoon with her and sabrina at the mall, getting our makeup done at the counters in macy*s. i really need to figure out how to wear very subtle light makeup right, so i can do it every now and then. apparantly, the bare face thing isn't as "professional" as i might like to think it is. sigh.

later that evening, justin b and beverly are coming over. after we get all decked out in our halloween costumes and begin some preliminary drinking (mmm, diet coke and parrot bay), the crowd of us will hit rita's, the kareoke bar. sabrina's new guy tony is planning on joining us as well. there we will drink and sing and drink some more, all while dressed in costume. woot.

we will then attempt to sleep it off (thank god for that extra hour that night!) and six of us (me, david, justin, bev, jeannine, and sabrina) will head to marine world for the day. justin has free tickets, yay. they have some sort of halloween frightfest thing going on, so we'll check that out. haunted houses and shit. woo. no idea if we'll wear our costumes that day. maybe.

ok, so not the most restful of weekends, but at least i won't be at work with people grouching at me.

speaking of that extra hour, i can't WAIT for the time to fall back so it's at least semi-light when i have to get out of bed in the mornings. it's just not right to get up when it's pitch black.

and the eclipse last night? kinda cool, but sort of ugly, too. the moon is much prettier when it's view is not being obstructed. just sayin'.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
