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100 things

musings about love
10/27/04 ~ 9:23 a.m.

this morning, he looked me in the eyes and said, "i love you." i smiled and held him tight. then he said, "i love you more than you love yourself." i paused, and then replied, "i think you might be right."

why is it that we're our own biggest critics? why is it that we stare in the mirror and don't like what we see? like this week, i ate on a schedule, worked out on a schedule, and still maintained my weight. instead of remembering that i'm getting stronger, running longer, etc, of course i'm upset. i have a goal, and i'm not getting to it very quickly. and in the process, i get mad at myself, mad at my body... and end up disliking it.

but sometimes, we have someone who loves us so much that none of this matters. they might see how hard we work and know that we're doing our best. they might not even know that, but still, they love us anyways.

and so, this morning, i told him, "i'm lucky to have you here, to remind me that i'm worth loving and that i should love myself."

and i will.


one year ago: zilch
two years ago: don't think it was without drama, cuz no party is, but it was pretty cool.
three and four years ago: nope. i'm so lame.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
