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100 things

bob & sheri, costume shopping, and clubbing till 3 am!
10/09/04 ~ 9:54 p.m.

last night was super fun. sabrina* picked up megan and i and we drove out to san francisco where megan's best friend nicole lives. (i haven't mentioned her before in here, i don't think. basically, megan is sabrina's friend from teaching, and nicole is megan's best friend from college. nicole dated cameron* for a little while as well, further complicating the web of people i know.)

it was a celebration in honor of nicole's 26th birthday. megan drove the scary streets of san francisco to get to an indian restaurant. the naan bread was fantastic. my food was way too spicy. ;P then nicole drove us to this bar called the mint for some kareoke fun. it was more of a normal bar that just happened to have people singing (and usually very well!) instead of typical bar music. we finally managed to score some seats, and we signed up for a few songs. we sang "it's raining men" together, except none of us knew the verses except megan. heh. nicole hit on some guy and made out with him all night. we closed the bar down, and at 2, we went to a little diner called the lucky penny, ate desserts and breakfast, and laughed a lot. we got to sleep at about 3:30 am. zzzzzzz.

i woke up at 8:30 because of my meeting the nutritionist and bob & sheri plans today. i was picturing a ton of people everywhere, a huge line, and that i'd hopefully get an autograph. it was totally different than what i expected. bob and sheri were just chillin' at a table, david and i walked over, and we chatted with them for about 20 minutes. it was so fun! i babbled on about my career changes, the time i tried to call into their morning show before i realized they live in north carolina and it's rebroadcast here (dork), and just general stuff.

sheri was great; she told us about her hatred for jewel. bascally, she's interviewed her a few times and she's always been a boring, dull, annoying, and evil. she also hates 3rd eye blind, and declared, "if jewel and steven hawkins had a baby, it would be the antichrist!" she did talk about artists she loved: sting, sister hazel, and sixpence none the richer. and when i mentioned everclear, sheri told me that one of her favorite pictures is her sitting on art's lap, she's very pregnant, and he's got his hands on her big belly. how cute. they signed one of their headshot pictures for me, but i wish i'd brought my camera. oh well, next time.

the nutritionist was very nice. she was sort of discouraging when iw as talkign about the online AA program i found, but i think she was just being realistic. she thinks i really need to get a BS to do what i want to do. i don't know how plausable that is for me right now (i need to pay the bills!). anyways, we still have a meeting in 2 weeks, and she really seems like she wants to help me. in fact, she even said she might be able to get me a part time position at the health center in petaluma, since she works there once a week.

my mind is going crazy trying to work everything out in my head. is a career change going to work for me? can i do this? i'm still in the information collecting stage, so it's a bit overwhelming. i'll figure everything out, and hopefully it will work out the way it's supposed to.

so after all that, david and i got lunch, went on a long hunt for a helmet for his maga man costume (we ended up jacking an old baseball batting helmet from scandia), and returned to the house for some hard core napping. he napped for 30 minutes until the phone woke us up; i went back to sleep after that for 2 more hours! yikes.

we went back out this evening to look at the halloween store for costumes for me (no dice yet; the cat & the hat costume was cute but it was $50!) and to look for more megan man outfit parts (he got sweat pants, sweat shirt, and underwear to pull over the pants). now we're back home, wondering if we're going to be able to fall asleep at a decent hour because the nap is throwing us all off. if i'm still on here in a few hours, i'll let you know.

tomorrow will be a day of shopping (old navy gift cards!), errands (picture printing, grocery shopping, gym), some chores (bleh, dishes), lazing around (queer as folk DVDs!), and seeing mariah in the evening. good times.

i used parentheses a lot in this entry. hope you were able to follow. heh.

one year: tonight david and i watched grosse point blank. i can't belive i'd never seen it, considering what a john cusack freak i am. it was fucking hilarious. i loved it.

two years: i'm always tired and have no motivation. i'm trying to work on that.

three years: i'm going crazy but i am still in a good mood. how is that possible?

four years: our kitchen is fully ripped apart. it looks like ET lives in there. seriously. the sign even says "hazardous chemicals. authorized personnel only" and has that little chemical symbol.

back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
