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100 things

i missed dawson's
10/13/00 ~ 6:17

i am a moron.

when attempting to tape dawson's creek this week, i programmed the VCR wrong and thus, not only do i not have it on tape, i haven't seen it yet.

this is not starting season 4 off well.

i am never helping anyone out on wednesday night again.

and, this is HELL week. i think this will be best illustrated with a list:
** our kitchen is fully ripped apart. it looks like ET lives in there. seriously. the sign even says "hazardous chemicals. authorized personnel only" and has that little chemical symbol. we can't use anything in there. it's eating out for us-- for a month.
** Oct. 16th is a HUGE deadline at work and it's crazy. i have been cutting classes to go to work. hello, overtime! but in the meantime, i'm exhausted. people are all edgy and stuff, and they treat me like it's my career. i'm even going into work tommorrow (yes, saturday.)
** i tried to go into work early yesterday, but my car managed to die in the middle of a busy road and i had to push it into a parking lot. i got it towed, was an hour and a half late to work, and the car is going to cost me $400! the altinator went out. i'm pissed.

so that's it. the only good thing about this is that all my friends that live near me are gone this weekend. i am going to sit on my ass ALL weekend (after work on sat.) i mean, yeah, it sucks that they're gone but now i'm not obligated to hang out with them. :)

hope you all have great weekends!


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
