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gmail and credit cards
08/30/04 ~ 2:08 p.m.

is anyone pining for a gmail account? i just recently got one and i'm not using it as my main account yet. not sure if i will, since i've been at hotmail so long. but ANYWAYS, i have 6 invites sitting there, so if you want one, just ask!

and in other news, i am PISSED OFF. i have one credit card that is secured (meaning i deposited $300 to open the fucker) and because it is in good standing, i did not claim it on the bankruptcy. well, they fucking CLOSED the account without asking me, just because my bankruptcy went through!! i don't know if i'll even get my money back! but what i'd really like is to just have the account re-opened. i need it to start building my credit again. someday i'd like to be able to buy a home or car or something. i mean, i screwed up, but eventually, my penance is supposed to have been paid.

what i did last weekend
08/30/04 ~ 12:57 p.m.

well, it's monday again, and i'm back from my busy weekend. we spent all day saturday at marine world:

it was a hot day - 99 degrees and not a lot of shade. i was lucky in that i got to ride around in the wheelchair - so although i was hot, i wasn't expending a lot of energy, either. we met up with david's coworkers for lunch (burgers, hot dogs, potato salad), and i met his boss and the two head guys. so that was good. hope i made a good impression. somehow, we ended up staying at the picnic area longer than his work friends, so we headed off to explore the park on our own. we spent most of our time in the animal section, seeing the butterflies, the tiger cubs, the giraffes, and the lorakeets. one of the lorakeets liked me, and jumped on my shoulder. he then proceeded to lick me for about 20 minutes. david snapped a lot of pictures, but this one is priceless:

we also saw three shows: the killer whale show, the bird show, and the dolphin show. towards the end of the day, we tried to take advantage of the wheelchair and get first in line on rides. come to find out, they're weird about that now. we had to go up a stupid disabled elevator, and once we got through all that hassle, they gave me a piece of paper that said to come back 20 minutes later and THEN i could ride. bastards! the line wasn't even 20 minutes long at that point, but with a wheelchair, i couldn't go up the stairs. there was basically nothing in the area of the ride we were going on, so we just had to wait. it was lame. so after that, we left.

we headed off towards santa cruz, to visit amy and gabe. david was starting to feel sick, and even lots of water and the car's A/C wasn't helping. we stopped for food, and he just kept feeling worse. my guess is heat exhaustion. by then, we were closer to amy's house than ours, so it made sense to keep on. i drove so he could rest. when we got there, david promptly laid down and napped for about 3 hours.

the party started, and there was drinking, dancing, and craziness. i wasn't feeling very social, i got got stoned and sat in a chair with a plate full of random munchies. someone turned the olympics on, and i watched that. the most exciting part of the party was when some drunk guy dressed in a hula skirt and a coconut bra decided to give me a lapdance. for about 10 minutes. he was eventually straddling my chair, gyrating his crotch in my face. i was laughing, but a bit uncomfortable. no one who knew me saw the molestation, but they were told about it later. david finally came down at about 11, and enjoyed the rest of the party. at least he didn't miss the hula guy getting naked in the hot tub. because no one wants to miss that. heh. sleep finally came at about 2 am.

the next morning, i called salina* and she came to brunch with us. it was great to see her again, we leave each other messages all the time, but i haven't seen her in person for about a year! crazy. here we are:

after brunch, she came with us to check out the new place amy and gabe are moving to next year. then we dropped her off, since she's in the midst of moving right now, and hit a few thrift stores. by the time david and i left town, it was almost 5 pm. we stopped for dinner on the way home, so we didn't hit the sheets until about 8 pm. it was early to go to bed, but we didn't actually sleep for another hour (wink), and it was much needed rest.

for the curious, here's a picture of my knee i took last week. it looks much better than before, and you can see how tiny my scars will be. woo.

thus ends this long and rambly entry. now i need lunch. cheers,


back forth

* check the cast page for details about this person!
