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busy weekend ahead!
08/27/04 ~ 9:51 p.m.

tomorrow is david's work's summer picnic thing. they're having it at marine world, so we get free tickets and free lunch. yay! i'm renting a wheelchair, even though i feel dumb about it. my knee is doing pretty well, but it does get tired/sore/swollen by the end of the day, and my physical therapist told me i have to. so i'm springing the $12. still a cheap trip to an amusement park!

directly afterwards, we're trekking to santa cruz to attend a party thrown by my dear friend amy* and her cool sidekick gabe*. we'll stay the night there, partying hardy, and then hang a bit in santa cruz before the long drive home. hopefully i'll get to spend a few minutes with salina* while i'm there.

i watched a lot of sex and the city today. i just got my season 5 dvd's, so i watched some of that this morning, and then mariah* came over and we picked up where she left off, in season 2. she's only 8 episodes away from where sabrina* and cameron* left off, so soon i will be able to condense my viewing sessions into just one. not that i mind watching the episodes twice, of course. ;)

now if you'll excuse me, this girly must get some shut eye to prepare for what is sure to be a fun but tiring weekend.


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* check the cast page for details about this person!
